My Hype Book is a transformative tool designed to shift mindset and boost confidence.


About the book

Create a beautiful legacy book that gets you excited about your past and hyped about your future!

Hone in on your true success track with 7 Personal Affirming Practices

Realize how much you have overcome

Identify your level of personal relevance by taking inventory achievements and success patterns

Be inspired by encouraging words and compelling quotes

Break down your achievements in 6 journalizing categories

Regularly reflect on your accomplishments and achievements

Turn challenges into victories

Quit the patterns of comparison

See yourself through your success lens

Discover 30 Ways To Celebrate Yourself

“The presence of humility should not mean the absence of personal accolade.”


About Toni

Positioning & Visibility Strategist

Toni is an award-winning public relations veteran with over 20 years of industry experience. After building a reputation for garnering high-level exposure and developing brand confidence, she is proud to have created a tool that assists individuals in creating similar enthusiasm and confidence; but, on a very personal level. When not speaking or conducting workshops around My Hype Book, her work involves consulting and coaching individuals on ways to amplify their voice by finding the most confident and compelling ways to raise brand awareness and gain meaningful visibility.